Hi All
I am new to Home assistant and trying to install the Home Assistant image using the container method on Docker. I have been following the instructions from this link,
However, in containers, I can see Home Assistant but the status is stuck to restarting for the past an hour, I have restarted the PC, and started the container again but no luck. any help is appreciated.
Yeah, I’m not saying it won’t work but I’ve heard of people having issues and that is the general consensus to not run it in windows in production at least.
I don’t think this will work, as Windows docker doesn’t support ‘host’ mode…at least i didn’t when i tried to use it; it only works on linux distributions
If you do not want to invest (right now) in a dedicated machine then try it out first.
Alternatives are non-windows, raspi / nuc …
Also note that the container itself is a linux variant OS in which HA runs, even on your windows PC with docker desktop. When you run docker e.g. on Ubuntu or Raspi then you would have the OS in Linux too.
If you want to have it real simple on OS with little manipulations, try the HA blue or yellow…I myself would not buy either of them because I want more flex…and I do know unix more than a bit too
EDIT: and of course you can run HA OS, no docker install, using add-ons (which in fact are containers too but less to manage)
All the options are here: Installation - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)