Help with Russound via

I have a Russound Multi-channel amp I want to connect to Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi, via the all-in-one installer. I have it connected directly to the Pi via RS-232-to-USB cable. It appears that I need to install a python program called tcp-serial-redirect to get the amp talking to the Pi.

I am new to linux and Home Assistant. What is the best way/location to install that .py program and how can I have it launch at boot? I copied the text from here into a text file.

Where should I place this in the Pi?
Does it need to go inside the virtual environment setup by the all-in-one?
How do I keep it starting up on reboot?
Are there any parameters I need to change in the file to make the communication available to HA?

The example configuration.yaml shows HA looking for the amp on port 1337, however, I don’t see 1337 anywhere in the TCP-redirect. How do I set the port?
