Help with Scrape sensor grabbing data


I need help colecting data from this page:

The content i want is: the date in this row (6. feb)
<span class="date d-md-block d-inline">6. feb</span>

My sensor is like this:

- platform: scrape
  name: 'Hentedag HRA'
  select: "date d-md-block d-inline"
  value_template: '{{ value.split(">")[1] }}'

This is not working…

I’m also wondering if there is possible to grab more content, like in this example the date, and the alt names for the images, so that i have an sensor that have the value
date: “6. feb”
waste_type1: “Restavfall”
waste_type2: “Matavfall”
waste_type3: “Papir, papp og kartong”
waste_type4: “Plast”

 <div class="text-center col-12 col-md-2">
                                        <span class="day d-md-block d-inline">Torsdag</span>
                                        <span class="date d-md-block d-inline">6. feb</span>
                                    <div class="col-6 col-md-2">
                                        <img src="/Assets/gfx/waste-small.png" alt="Restavfall"/>
                                    <div class="col-6 col-md-2">
                                        <img src="/Assets/gfx/organic-small.png" alt="Matavfall"/>
                                    <div class="col-6 col-md-2">
                                        <img src="/Assets/gfx/paper-small.png" alt="Papir, papp og kartong"/>
                                        <div>Papir, papp og kartong</div>
                                    <div class="col-6 col-md-2">
                                        <img src="/Assets/gfx/plastic-small.png" alt="Plast"/>
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