Hello I am trying to create a script. The idea with the script is that I want to "speak" out some sensor to my google mini speaker and it should be trigged from google home.
The script looks likes this:
alias: Husets status google
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.googlehome9103
message: "Husets status är för tillfället {{states.sensor.fibaro_sensor_temperature.state | int}} grader i hallen med en ljusstyrka på {{states.sensor.fibaro_sensor_luminance.state | int}} lumen i hallen. Alla enheter hemma är {{states.group.coolppl.state}}. Lampor i hallen är {{states.group.hall.state}}.
cache: false
The problem I have is that it reads the {{states…}} and it doesn’t say the numbers or strings behind it.
I have also tried with {{states(‘sensor.motion_vardagsrum_luminance’)}} but this makes no different.
Anyone have an idea (and no not IFTTT)?
Sorry for the stange language in en data bracket