Help with Sensor Template please


I´m trying to build a sensor using templates but I´m stucked because the set instruction isn´t working inside a for loop.

This is not the real sensor but reproduces the problem that I´m getting. In this example I never get the Hello World in the test variable. Why???

{% set number = 3 %}

{% for x in range(number | int) -%}
   {{ x }}
   {%- if x==2 %}
     {% set test = 'Hello World!' %}  
   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{{ test }}

I get this in the Template Editor:


Thank you in advance

See “Scoping Behavior” under Assignments in the Jinja2 docs.

{% set number = 3 %}
{% set ns = namespace(test = '') %}
{% for x in range(number | int) -%}
   {{ x }}
   {%- if x==2 %}
     {%- set ns.test = 'Hello World!' %}  
   {%- endif %}
{% endfor -%}
{{ ns.test }}

Results in:

Hello World!

Thanks a lot @pnbruckner. I was stucked with this for 4 hours , ha ha

Thank you so much!!!

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Post the real for-loop you have created. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you may not need a for-loop.