Help with setting up Nortek Husbzb-1 on Synology Ds220+ with Home Assistant

Hello everyone. Apologies in advance because I am a complete newbie with both Z-wave, zigbee, synology, and docker, and I have been pulling my hair out over trying to get a Nortek Husbzb-1 setup to control z-wave devices on my Synology DS220+. Every guide I read either assumes I am an absolute master of docker (not even close) or have a PhD in networking credentials and I am getting ready to cry trying to figure this out. Also apologies for the novel but I have Aspergers and writing out things like this helps me think.

I have been trying to follow the Home Assistant Docs Here and it seems to suggest the easiest way to get things set up is through Zwavejs2Mqtt.

As I mentioned I am a Docker newb as well but think I have the Zwavejs2Mqtt container installed properly but could be wrong as it is only the second container I have ever set up (the first being Home Assistant itself) and could not find a single good walkthrough online. Everything just gives a huge complicated console command to install and I don’t even know how to access the docker console on my Synology, much less use it properly. I have it at Local Port 32770 and container port 8091.

This was my first big problem as all the documentation made me think I should go to http:\synologyIP:8091 to find the Zwavejs2Mqtt config pages but I actually had to go to http:\synologyIP:32770. I finally got there, and am already completely overwhelmed by the documentation and options here. (Also, that local port changes each time I restart the container making it a nightmare to get back to this settings page, but the container port always remains the same)

1st, I set the “Auth” switch in general settings and it made me log in with the default credentials, but I cannot find anywhere how I can change those credentials and not have the default which anyone can guess.

2nd, here is my current sticking point that I cannot get through. Under the Zwave section in settings, it wants you to input a serial port. I cannot get this to work no matter what I try. It is giving me 4 options (dev/tty/S0 through dev/tty/S3), none of which appear to work, but my Synology only has a single USB port anyway. At first all 4 options gave me the same error that it could not find the drive at all. I then went back to docker and enabled running the container with high privilege and now get a new error message.

Selecting either 0 or 1 gives me “Driver: Failed to initialize the driver: Timeout while waiting for an ACK from the controller”.

Selecting either 2 or 3 gives me “Driver: Error: I/O error setting custom baud rate of 115200”

I have searched everywhere I can think of but have no idea how to determine the correct Serial Port to allow this thing to connect. I have not even tried touching the other settings yet, but I do not use mqtt for anything else, so I am assuming I will be able to check “Disable MQTT Gateway”, and then under the Home Assistant section keep the “WS Server” option checked, but I do not know.

I am not currently putting anything in the Network Key area next to the serial port if that matters, but cannot find anything in any documentation as to when that is required or how to know the correct key either.

I also have a notification stating there is a new zwave-js config file available, but if I try to click Install I get an error message stating z-wave client not connected.

All this before I have even tried setting up the Zwave JS integration on Home Assistant, which I can already see from the forums is where most people have trouble, and I am starting to wonder if this is even possible for a newbie like me without learning advanced programming and/or networking skills that I do not think I am smart enough to ever grasp. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!

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For anyone else having a similar problem, I finally fixed it by doing the following:

  1. I found a second USB port on the rear of my DS220+ (it was hidden behind some of my cables when I looked previously. Switching the HUSBZB-1 to this port at least let them show up as ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1.

  2. I still was unable to set anything to Home Assistant, until I deleted the Zwave-js docker container and redid it. This time, I set the ports correctly as 8091:8091 and 3000:3000. Before apparently it only had auto:8091, which is both why Home Assistant could not find it, and why the address to get to the settings constantly changed. Now it is http://nasip:8091 as it should be.

  3. Once this was done, the Zwave JS integration on home assistant initialized just fine. I had posted this problem on some other forums as well and the most common solution was to try adding the serial port to the Home Assistant container, which I could not figure out how to do. However, once the ports on the js container were correct, this was not needed, and everything worked pleasantly. This makes sense to me since both containers are running on the same server, so I do not see why they would need to be told how to find each other.

However, I did need to add ttyUSB1 to the Home Assistant container to get ZHA to work, which was very frustrating. I finally did it in a very “hacky” way I am sure will be undone every time I even just try to update Home Assistant, but at least it’s working for now. I used This Solution to achieve this.

I used the guide below to get my HUSBZB-1 to work:

Are you using DSM 6.2 or DSM 7.0?

I’m hoping to achieve the same basic thing — but in DSM7. Has anyone published a step-by-step Guide to getting the HUSBZB-1 USB dongle to work with HA (2023 Stable) that’s running in Docker on a Synology NAS? Bonus points if persistence across reboots can also be achieved.

As a preliminary move, I added SynoCommunity packages to my NAS, as suggested in a related (but antiquated) post, and even installed both the SynoCLI Kernel and SynoCLI USB drivers in anticipation of going forward with a purchase of the HUSBZB-1. But until I see a full-fledged Guide, and hear from another NAS/Docker HA user that the combo works, money stays in my pocket.


Passthrough the USB device to a VM (using a virtual USB controller) instead of Docker, at least that way it’s something semi-supported by Synology and doesn’t require modifying OS-files (and thus the persistence between reboots).

Run Home Assistant OS on the VM :slight_smile:

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