Help with setting up Squeezebox based front end

I’ve just setup Logitech Media Server in a Docker instance and it’s grabbed my music collection.

I’ve also installed the HA Squeezebox integration and it’s picked up the Squeezebox server. All good so far.

My aim is to put a nice player GUI on a HA tablet dashboard and access my music.
I’d like music to be played through a Sony Home Theatre system which is already integrated into HA. Additionally a few Google Home speakers.

I’ve been Alice in Wonderland for the past few hours and gone down so many holes without having an understanding of what I need to accomplish my aim.

I’m hoping someone here can help.

If it’s easier, I’m happy to go down the HA Addon route for Squeezebox.

This is a reasonably configurable media player card:

There’s also this which may help with you goal:

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This does it for me.

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Thanks everyone, I’ve looked at all of those, they are good options. I have used the mini media player for a few years now and agree it’s highly configurable and been my go-to as a media player interface.

I was hoping for a more Squeezebox/LMS enhanced approach running in an i-frame/webpage on my tablet. @Cadster, I think your suggestion (Material Skin) is the closest path to the goal. I’ve enabled it in LMS and can see my library, I just don’t have a player configured. Perhaps you can shed some light?

I am struggling to understand the required building blocks for a squeezebox based system and how HA fits in. So if someone has some experience in this, please chime in.

Thanks again.

This is a good source for information.
And i can reccomend the lms forum, there’s a lot of knowledge there.

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