Help with setup MQTT Bridge - Mosquitto > CloudMQTT

Hi, I just read and try all hints from topics related to setting up bridge Mosquitto and CloudMQTT with no luck.
My broker in local network on RPi3 is Mosquitto - is working ok, no problem with it at all. I created another config file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/cloudmqtt.conf :

connection cloudmqtt
remote_username <edit>
remote_password <edit>
clientid mosqito
bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
try_private false
start_type automatic
topic # in 1

clientid is added in web panel with read premision.

I can successfully connect directly to with mqtt sniffer, reading on ‘mosqito’ user works.
But in Raspberry site there is no updates in # topic (# is like wildcard and should present anything that reach my raspberry mqtt broker if I’m wrong pls clear that)

Is something what I can do? heck?

Finaly I want to connect OwnTracks to CloudMQTT and pass readings to RaspberryPi Broker.

did find a way to bridge cloudmqtt and mosquitto?

Follow step 5.

Use SSL port of your cloudmqtt account.

@Lapatoc hello im running HA with http still i tried changing port to ssl port its not working…please help me im new to HA and MQTT

Post your mqtt config here

connection cloudmqtt
remote_username xxxxx
remote_password xxxxx
remote_clientid xxxx
try_private false
notifications false
start_type automatic
topic # in 1

If you are using SSL port of cloudmqtt you need to specify
bridge_cafile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.

Also specify local_clientid

And be sure that include_dir parameter is not commented in your main mosquitto config and bridge config file stored in proper directory

where can i find local client id?

do i have to make supprate file for bridge? right now i configured bridge setting inside mosquitto.config file under bridge section

if i add this i get error when i restart broker Error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly

by the way im trying to get broker work on windows 10

as for local_client id you can use your hass account.
It’s not necessary to have separate config file for bridge. You can specify it in main config file.
Well error 1067 make sense cause you are using windows. If you look in mosquitton documentation:

One of bridge_cafile or bridge_capath must be provided to allow SSL/TLS support.

I’ve never setup Mosquitto on Windows. So I can’t help you to specify correct location of ca file. All certs in Windows stored in registry.

You can try first to use unsecured connection and check if it’s work.

how can i do it? im kind of new to all this.i dont want it to have a ssl secure (whatever it is :stuck_out_tongue: ) i just want to bridge cloumqtt to mosquitto because im using owntracks on cloudmqtt.

use unsecured port of cloudmqtt in your config