I have a shade which is controlled by a reset switch in combination with an Eltako FSB12.
Unfortunately I am unable to integrate it directly via the enOcean integration.
This is the switch in the wall (12v)
Easiest way would be to follow the wires from switch to find next location where neutral is available and install 2-channel Shelly there. Maybe they are going directly to Eltako, maybe passing some junction box first.
Short or long, you program that.
You have two buttons, so you need Shelly 2pm.
You can ask your electrician simply to bring neutral wire to that switch box.
Then wire shelly to existing wiring and the old switch to shelly. That way you have manual control as well. Just verify your box have enough depth for shelly.
If not, same circuit is valid locating Shelly next to Eltako as well.
Looks like you have a basic Eltako setup with Power supply ( SNT 12) sensor unit ( FTS 12) and the Shades actor. this setup works just with toogle switches. you mentioned that you want to run it via enocean… for this setup an FAM 12 ( Funk Access Module - radio acccess module ) ) unit has to be added to your setup this was available and still is and it is rather cheap so, just add it, teach your FSB and of you go.
b.t.w the series 12 of Eltako is the old unidirectional enocean system ( it can receive enocean commands but it’ll never give you feedback like status - on ,off etc in return ) for that you have to run it with the series 12 as a reg system or you choose an Eltake actor that you can install in the wall outlet - somewhat 50-60 Euro )
have Fun