Help with snmp v3 Configuration

Hi, this is my first post because i can’t find any solutions.
I’m trying to read some snmp values from my router.
I can run snmpwalk from my Desktop without any error:

C:\Users\\Desktop\SnmpWalk>SnmpWalk.exe -r:"" 
-v:3 -sn:"ha" -ap:"md5" -aw:"ha2024auth"
-pp:"AES256" -pw:"ha2024enc" 
-os:"" -op:""
SnmpWalk v1.01 - Copyright (C) 2009 SnmpSoft Company
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OID=., Type=Integer, Value=68130
Total: 1

my ha config looks like this:

- platform: snmp
  name: Lancom-Router
  version: "3"
  username: "ha"
  auth_key: "ha2024auth"
  auth_protocol: "hmac-md5"
  priv_key: "ha2024enc"
  priv_protocol: "aes-cfb-256"
  accept_errors: true
  default_value: "10000"

I always get the default value and a timeout in the logs

2024-11-11 16:34:02.274 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Setup of sensor platform snmp is taking over 10 seconds.
2024-11-11 16:34:41.526 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.snmp.sensor] Please check the details in the configuration file: No SNMP response received before timeout

I think I’m missing something and maybe someone can kindly help me

//Edit: If i switch to SNMP v2c everything works.

Are you sure snmpv3 is active on the device?

I’m pretty sure. Because i used snmpwalk and also snmpget with the v3 Paramter.

If the OID works with v2c then that is correct, so it must be something with the login credentials and authentication that is wrong.

The strange thing is, that everything works fine with tools like snmpget or snmpwalk.
I kind of surrendered and changed my config to snmpv2c. Do you know if i have to restart the whole homeassistant to reload the snmp configuration or is there a faster way?

If it works with other apps, then it is an incompatibility with v3 and Home Assistant.
Have you checked your settings with the HA documentation.
I use SNMP in Node Red, so I am not that much into HAs implementation.

Thank you for helping me. I do not have much experience with snmpv3. Configuring it over config files and then reloading the whole system is to much trial and error for me.
i think i will stay with v2c for now. maybe there are some compatibility problems with my device and the snmpv3 implementation of homeassistant. On my router side i get this error: “Couldn’t parse SNMP Message”