Help with Solar KW Value Rounding

I got my solar to read Kw, but now im trying to maybe round the number, it shows 5.698 kw, it would be awesome to get 5.6 kw. I tried using the round (1) and round (2) in config but it just then showed 0kw.

- platform: template
        friendly_name: "Kilowatt Sensor"
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.envoy_202206070454_current_power_production') | float * 0.001 }}"

Screenshot 2023-01-25 103608

If you can wait until next week, there are supposed to be updates coming to be able address sensor precision from the UI…

Otherwise, use () to make sure you are rounding the result of your multiplication, not just the 0.001.

- platform: template
        friendly_name: "Kilowatt Sensor"
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"
        value_template: >
          {{ (states('sensor.envoy_202206070454_current_power_production') | float * 0.001) | round(1, 0) }}"