Please could someone help with the sonos_join service settings.
I hope that I expect it to work as I think it will - that is, when used it groups the speakers first and then lets you play media on the group rather than individual speakers all playing the same music (through group.speakers) which can cause timing issues across the speakers.
I have set a script to automate on the press of a minimote button and tried:
alias: "long_press_1"
- service: media_player.sonos_join
- media_player.dining_room
- media_player.dining_room
- media_player.lounge
- service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.dining_room
media_content_id: hls-radio://
media_content_type: music
but get the following error:
Invalid config for [script]: [master] is an invalid option for [script]. Check: script->script->long_press_1->sequence->0->master
If I remove the master section, I get:
Invalid service data for media_player.sonos_join: required key not provided @ data['master']. Got None
I am sure it is something simple but the Sonos components page doesn’t really expand on it with an example.