Help with statistics sensor for wind speed and zero values

Hi All,

I have a wind speed sensor that i feed in to a 5 min, 10 min and 60 min statistics sensor to show the mean and max and min speeds. The probelm is that if there is a reading of 0 or if the weather and calm instead of returing that the mean is 0 it discards the 0 input as a null value. I get long sections of no changes to the value if the wind drops to 0. I able to change the sensor to include the values of 0 when there is no wind ?

  - platform: statistics
    entity_id: sensor.wind_speed
    sampling_size: 30
    name: wind_speed_5_min_avg


This might be an effect of not getting an update within the default time interval?
What happens when you add a max_age value?