Help with template that show number of Devices and Status by integration and Area


looking for a template that filters the number of devices ( Not Entities ) by integration and counting like the picture below And also shows me the number of devices and list of names that are offline or not available

Screenshot 2024-04-13 175038

1- Total number of devices by integration
2- Total number of devices that are offline or not available
3- List by device names that are offline or not available

same here for the Area also the number of devices ( Not Entities ) by Area and counting like the picture below And also shows me the number of devices that are offline or not available
Screenshot 2024-04-13 175242

1- Total number of devices by Area
2- Total number of devices that are offline or not available
3- List by device names that are offline or not available


Templating - Home Assistant.

DOCS have many very usefull Chapters

I read it and searched for what is what but didn’t find something for my purpose

Ok, the thing is Devices in HA is a “widely definition” just look in /Setting/Devices#Devices , it’s basically a “synonym” for a group of entities/objects
So you have to use the integration_entities ( For each, specified or All ) integration, and then depended upon the specific Devices, find a common “entry” you can filter upon( I.E Unique ! ) , to only get 1 entity, which represent the Device
i.e a Temperature.Sensor ( has 3 entities, temp/humid/battery, they all belongs to same Device_ID ) And that the way it goes

Have you looked at the New Feature, Labels ?, If you Label a Device and list_label it in i.e a template or autoentities you get all entities belonging to that Device, allthough these entities don’t have the Label itself, if you look under entities

So whatever your purpose is, you have to learn templating , but Yes i understand your “frustrations/thoughts”

Pictures “sometimes” tells more than words