Help with the first ZWave Integration - Yale Assure 2


I have setup my first ZA integration using Zwave Js and JS UI. I was able to get the Yale Assure 2 all linked up and the lock protion seems to be working fine. However, I cannot get the DoorSense to show up.

Is there anything special i need to do for it be enabled in HA? I have tried rebuilding the routes but no luck.

I have already gone through and calibrated the door via the Yale app as well.

Any advice?

Here are some configuration screenshots.

You can have one or the other but not both. I say this because if you are running both simultaneously, eventually you will have trouble

From here

I now have DoorSense via Z-Wave! The Integrator’s Guide (2023 version, thanks @LSR19!) page 31 shows that DoorSense notifications can be enabled by writing 0xFF (255) to parameter 19 (“DPS Alarms”) of the Configuration CC. After doing that, I started getting DoorSense updates via Z-Wave!

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Thank you @tmjpugh! I’ll check it out. Regarding the JS and JS UI, i used the following thread to setup both. I believe there’s only one server running.

Apologies, but where exactly do you set the value for Parameter 19?

HA UI >> device >> device info >> configuration >> you will get “zwave device configuration” page with parameters

If you go to device you will find parameters and you can change them. I wont detail since it easier to find

it a little obvious

This has to be the best information on zwave for HAOS user. posting here in case you link reddit breaks in the future

 There is only one Integration: Z-Wave. There are two Add-Ons: Z-Wave JS and Z-Wave JS UI

Breaking down my previous instructions further:

    Disable the Integration, and make sure the official Add-On is stopped:

        Go to the Integrations Page.

            Click on the Zwave Integration.

            Click on the three dots next to Configure

            Click on Disable

        Go to the Add-Ons Page.

            Click on the Z-Wave JS Add-On

            Confirm that it is stopped

    Copy your security keys from the official Add-On

    Install and configure the UI Add-On.

        Go to the Add-Ons Page

            Click Add-On Store

            Click on Z-Wave JS UI under the "Home Assistant Community Add-ons" section

            Click Install

            Start the add-on and reconfigure as needed, including setting up network security keys, USB device path, WS server, MQTT, etc.

    Re-add the Integration.

        Go to the Integrations Page.

            Click Add Integration

            Select Zwave

            Uncheck the Use the Z-Wave JS Supervisor add-on option

            Click Submit

            Enter ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000 when prompted for a server.

    Uninstall the official Add-On.

        Go to the Add-Ons Page.

            Click on the Z-Wave JS Add-On

            Click Uninstall

The above allows me to use both without issues. I’m just getting started with my first zw device but hope to expand more in it future.

The learning curve seems a bit more daunting at first especially compared to zigbee setups.

HA only allows you to change parameters that were part of zwavejs config or device.

If the parameter does not exist in HA you may use zwavejsui to change any value. Even those not shown by ui.

zwavejsui >> device >> click on device >> configuration >> undefined >> enter the parameter and change to the desired value.

look closer. the instructions you noted uninstall zwavejs and install zwavejsui.
To be clear, zwavejsui includes zwavejs so you are using both. What you dont have is both addons running.

Thanks again. You are right about the uninstall part.

here is the config page. When i set the value to 255, nothing happens and it wont let me enter the hex value either.

Apologies, for the lack of knowledge with this stuff.

255 likely means enable
0 is likely disable.

It is enabled by default so I am guessing it should have already been working.
Usually if the value is changed, you must power cycle the device I believed.

in the first image you shared, what are the 2 entities not shown

Here are the two entites that are not shown.

Thank you @tmjpugh for all of your help. I was able to get it to work.

I power cycled the lock once but it didnt make a difference.

I then disabled the DoorSense in the Yale app and then re-enabled it and went through the calibration exercise.

It now shows the appropriate status in HA.

Thanks again.