Help With Universal Media Player

I was toying with using the Universal Media Player to replace my current TTS system since all of my HomePods are connected as media players in HA. The problem is that I can’t get TTS to work through the new player because it says the service is not configured to browse media. I’ve looked all over the forums and on Reddit but can’t find a good example of how to set this up to work. I also cannot configure it in the UI because it says it has no unique ID but it won’t accept unique_id as a configuration.

I have about a dozen HomePods throughout my house, my hope is to group them (i.e., Upstairs, Downstairs, All, etc) and use a “main” homepod for the various properties (if the universal media player is on for example).

Does anyone have an example YAML of a Universal Media Player that works with TTS?

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