My goal (big picture): I want to build a device that shows my current solar panel power output and the charge level of my battery by lighting up two LED stripes accordingly.
The plan: An add-on (alphaess) sends data to MQTT every minute (works ), the device runs WLED and using the effect mode “Percent” I’m able to set numbers in the range of 0 to 100 (works ).
For testing purposes with 12 LED I set up 13 automations and calculated the below/above conditions for each possible number of LEDs (0 to 12). Works but clumsy, since the state of charge sensor provides numbers from 0 to 100 and the WLED effect “Percent” expects numbers from 0 to 100
I read about a similar question in How to set a the value in an automation from the trigger obje
So I try to setup an automation, triggered by new data on topic alphaess (happens ~ every minute), no conditions and set an action on the WLED device, reading the sensor value:
alias: Set Solar Battery State Of Charge
description: ''
mode: single
- platform: mqtt
topic: alphaess
condition: []
- device_id: 1881e924e624f2b9196c8b6085ea4383
domain: number
entity_id: number.wled_segment_1_intensity
type: set_value
value: '{{ states(''sensor.solar_battery_soc'') | float }}'
That configuration refuses with the error message Message malformed: expected float for dictionary value @ data[‘value’]
This is my sensor definition:
- platform: mqtt
name: "Solar Battery SOC"
state_topic: "alphaess/ALAnnnnnnnnnnn"
unit_of_measurement: '%'
icon: mdi:battery
value_template: "{{ value_json.soc }}"
Any advice on how to set the value?