Help with visibility of a group

I want to show a group entity inside an existing card (group), but when I add it, it shows the group as a separate card on it’s own on my Dashboard.

Here’s the group entity (Someone’s Home) shown inside another group that I do want to see

And here’s the card (group) on my Dashboard that I don’t want to see

I’ve tried adding this script when Home Assistant starts, but it also hides the group entity I want to see

- service: group.set_visibility
  entity_id: group.someone_is_home_homekit
    visible: False

And I've also tried adding this under customise but that didn't work either.
  hidden: true

That’s HA working as designed. You can’t show a group inside another group.

Oh! I thought I’d done this with some wall lights a while ago. I guess not! :blush:

Seems like it should be possible to create an input_boolean or a template switch with automations that turn a group on and off.

Yes, it would :+1:t3:

I don’t really need to switch it on and off, it’s an indicator for showing if anyone’s home or not.

So I think I’ll create a template sensor to show that instead of the group switch :slightly_smiling_face: