Help with voice assistant, Jarvis is going crazy

Am i going crazy? i followed every single step to create a local voice assisntant in home assistnant and it just wont work.

I installed piper, whisper and wakeword.

My home assisnant language is in eglish since i find it more usefull since there are more english resources so it makes it easier to follow guides or get help. But i want my voice assistant to be in spanish.

so in my piper config i chose es_MX-ald-medium and “es” in whisper, then in the voice assistant pipeline everything is set to spanish.

When i try and test the assistant whenever i ask something in spanish it answers me back in english that he cant understand, and if i ask anything in english it answers me in spanish that he cant understand… am i dumb? :joy:


I feel your pain mine is also telling me that my requests are requiring too many tokens and can I reduce them for my requests…
Can’t figure out why it’s doing this either…

Looked in the logs…etc…
So I had to unplug it…

I hope you get yours working!!!