Help with Wink Hub Setup?

Hey guys,
Wondering if someone can help me with getting my Wink Hub back working with HASS after I updated to 0.50.1
I have placed wink: in my configuration.
Gone to Wink Developer Portal and setup the application. Just not sure about the Redirect URIs on what to put in there.
Its been approved and I have Oauth Settings.
I restart HASS and get the configurator box.

I visit the url but it will not authorize.

What could I be missing?


What do you have listed in the URI section of

Hi have my https url of my home assistant there.

Change it to the local IP address of your HA box and http if you are serving it locally on http and try again.

Im running it with ssl with duckdns. Will that still work?

Yeah you have to use the local address, since you have SSL you may get an ssl error, but you can bypass that.

Ok I put it to
The other day I deleted the Wink application and made a new one. I can see that the Client ID and Client Secret in the wink.conf has my old numbers in it. Is there a way to update that to my new one or do just enter them manually now in the wink.conf?

You can just delete the wink file and restart and the process will start over and ask for credentials in the frontend. Or manually add them, thatā€™ll work too.

I delete the wink file and restarted. Entered in the credentials but I still get Client is not authorized or could not be found

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And you are sure you are using the correct client id? The error sounds like wink isnā€™t finding the id you are entering.

I copied it right from the Wink Portal. Is there a way I can check?

So when you visit do you ever get to a login page for wink? Or do you see that message as soon as you log in?

I have never seen the login screen. Just tried again and got this:

So the redirect uri is what you have placed in your developer account. It needs to be the IP of your HA box for example

Then you need to access your HA box by visiting which should direct you to wink for auth.

Make sure you are doing this all with IP addresses and not a domain name.

Perfect that did it. I was just missing the callback on the end of the URL.

Thank you

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I followed the suggestions in this string with only partial lick. I am running Hassio on a Pi3. When I delete the .wink conf file and restart the wink configurator appears. When I follow the prompts, I get the screen that says ā€œsuccessfully authorizedā€¦ reboot HomeAssistantā€. If I ignor the reboot, my wink devices appear on the states page and seem to be accessible. If I reboot as prompted, an error occurs suggesting that wink could not be configured during the restart.

This is the best I have been able to achieve in perhaps 10 days of effort and 50 restarts. Can anybody help?

This is strange. Can you PM me your log file after you do the restart and see the error?

Thanks for your quick reply.

Here is a link to the text file with the log file:


Looks like it is having trouble accessing Wink. Can you SSH to the pi and try


also try


and see what kind of response you get?

Also, I am going to try running HomeAssistant with python3.6 I havenā€™t ever done that so maybe there is something thereā€¦

Update: Just did a fresh install in a virtualenv using python3.6 and everything worked fine.

I am running Hassio. I donā€™t think one can ping from the terminal.

I did attempt to ping from my desktop running Windows. The ping request timed out. I also attempted to ping it from a laptop running Linux Mint. That request simply hung.

The IP of the DNS server handed out by my ISP is Not familiar with it.

I ran the ā€˜digā€™ on the laptop:

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 32691
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; IN A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 900 IN SOA 1 7200 900 1209600 86400

;; Query time: 55 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Sep 09 19:40:57 PDT 2017
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 133

Hope that helps.