Help with writing tests for a platform integration

Hello, this will be a bit chaotic since I’m quite new to Python and Home Assistant Development. (I’m a .NET dev)
I’ve written my first platform integration, it works great (I think)!
It’s configurable only from configuration.yaml, so no UI flows yet.

Since it’s using an external package to make an API call, the documentation says that I don’t need to test the external functionality, so the only ones that I want to include are initialization tests.

I have 2 working and 2 invalid configurations that I want to test, but I found literally 0 documentation on how to do that. I’ve been trying to understand other people’s code, but I can’t.

Here is what I have so far (GitHub PR):
A setup_platform(..) method and single class for my entity with an __init__() and update()
That’s all.

From what I understand, in my tests I should initiate my integration with something like this:

    "binary_sensor": {
        "platform": "my_platform_domain",
        CONF_PERSON_EGN: "0011223344",
        CONF_DRIVING_LICENSE: "123456789"

async def test_valid_config(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
    initSuccess = await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, VALID_CONFIG)
    assert initSuccess

This does not work.

I’ve also tried with a simplifed configuration, without the binary_sensor level but it still does not work.

Can anyone guide me to what methods to use or which integration I could cannibalize to get my tests to work?

Also I know I should do more checks, and I will, I just can’t get past this stage.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, I’m getting desperate around here.