Help With Yale Z-Wave Locks

Hello all,

Week 2 of my HA experience. Some helpful folks on the forum got me started with my Envisalink connection, and now it’s on to Z Wave locks.

I have a few Yale Z-Wave Locks that were already paired to my Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5. Following the guide, I was able to install and initiate the Z Wave JS integration. It recognizes my Z-Stick and the Yale Assure locks. It assigns two entities per lock, one with the lock domain and one with the binary_sensor domain. From there, I am stuck. I cannot figure for the life of me how to send lock or unlock commands to the hardware.

Here is a screenshot of the entities identified:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Read about the services you can use to control your locks here:


  service: lock.unlock
    entity_id: lock.my_front_door

So the integration alone doesn’t create services?


Thanks for your help. Following the Wiki, I went to developer tools>services and tried to call the lock.lock service. I picked an entity and a device as targets for the service. Finally, I tried to call the service, but no result.

Continuing to struggle with this;

I’ve deleted and re-added the locks multiple times with no progress. I even tried excluding the lock from the Z-Stick and then pairing it through HASS using the “Secure Inclusion” method under the ZWave JS add-on configuration. Unfortunately when I do this, it doesn’t even assign any entities as it does when it is paired manually to the Z-stick.

I’m starting to learn about HA and really hopeful that it will be the solution for me. However, door locks are a big one, and I’m struggling to gain control over them from HA.

Which Yale lock do you have? I have close to 11 different sensors from my YRD226 zwave integration.

Have you looked at Keymaster yet?

Same locks. Incidentally, I finally got them working. For others looking for a solution:

  1. Remove the locks from your Z-Stick, if previously paired.

  2. Re-insert your Z-Stick, re-boot your host.

  3. Under ZWave JS configuration, “Add Node” and use “secure inclusion”.

  4. Re-pair the locks. Master code plus option 7, then option 1 to add to network. Wait a second, it should pair through the HASS inclusion mode.

  5. If your lock is recognized, be patient. You may have to refresh the integration a time or two to register the product name and firmware.

  6. Be patient! It may take 10 minutes or more for the entities to be added for your lock. I was getting impatient because I wasn’t seeing anything there and I didn’t let it finish. You will get numerous entities from the various sensors contained within the lock. Ultimately, you’ll be able to remotely lock and unlock. Voila.

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So I have this same lock on an internal closet door. It was connected to my previous Hubitat infrastructure of which I forgot to exclude prior to moving to HA. The lock is on a different floor and probably 60’ from the HA USB Stick. I can’t seem to get the lock to exclude. I am running ZwaveJS2MQTT but nothing seems to work. I really do not want to take the lock downstairs but anyone have another option?