I am very new to Home Assistant and am having trouble getting some basic stuff working.
I have installed Home Assistant on a compatible QNAP NAS inside an app called Container Station.
This seems to work fine and I have setup automation for a SONOS music system and some LIFX smart lights globes, both working fine.
I have now tried to add a group with a couple of entities in it. I have followed the online help and believe I have edited my configuration.yaml file correctly but am getting the following config errors
Configuration invalid
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 95, column 10
see below:-
# Weather prediction
- platform: yr
- platform: bom
station: IDS60801.94675
name: Adelaide
- apparent_t
- delta_t
- gust_kmh
- gust_kt
- air_temp
- dewpt
- press
- rain_trace
- rel_hum
- weather
- wind_dir
- wind_spd_kmh
- wind_spd_kt
# Text to speech
- platform: google
# Cloud
- platform: lifx_cloud
token: ce0fae8bbcf8b1a56cf0bae6b39fb557eb96203cccdd243e119a876e933a2105
- platform: lifx
group: !include groups.yaml
weather: (the colon at the end of weather is line 95 column 10)
name: Weather
view: yes
- apparent_t
- gust_kmh
I am sure there are plenty of people out there that can tell me what I am doing wrong.
Also I would greatly appreciate any info. re using home Assistant with Z-Wave devices
Cheers Alwyn