Help with yaml coding syntax

I am very new to Home Assistant and am having trouble getting some basic stuff working.

I have installed Home Assistant on a compatible QNAP NAS inside an app called Container Station.
This seems to work fine and I have setup automation for a SONOS music system and some LIFX smart lights globes, both working fine.

I have now tried to add a group with a couple of entities in it. I have followed the online help and believe I have edited my configuration.yaml file correctly but am getting the following config errors

Configuration invalid
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 95, column 10
see below:-

# Weather prediction
  - platform: yr
  - platform: bom
    station: IDS60801.94675
    name: Adelaide
      - apparent_t
      - delta_t
      - gust_kmh
      - gust_kt
      - air_temp
      - dewpt
      - press
      - rain_trace
      - rel_hum
      - weather
      - wind_dir
      - wind_spd_kmh
      - wind_spd_kt

# Text to speech
  - platform: google

# Cloud

  - platform: lifx_cloud
    token: ce0fae8bbcf8b1a56cf0bae6b39fb557eb96203cccdd243e119a876e933a2105

  - platform: lifx

group: !include groups.yaml
  weather:                                (the colon at the end of weather is line 95 column 10)
    name: Weather
    view: yes
      - apparent_t
      - gust_kmh

I am sure there are plenty of people out there that can tell me what I am doing wrong.

Also I would greatly appreciate any info. re using home Assistant with Z-Wave devices

Cheers Alwyn

Please edit your original post and follow the directions that are linked at the top of the page. This will allow you to markup your code so we can help you.

also from the looks of it, why don’t you have a platform for your weather section? That could be causing the problems.

weather sections typically look like this with very little configuration:

  - platform: bom

Hi! Petro, thanks for your reply. I already have the following platform entry in my config file.
This is a direct copy of the BOM Australia Sensor from the Components Section of the Home Assistant
Home Page

  - platform: bom
    station: IDS60801.94675
    name: Adelaide
      - apparent_t
      - delta_t
      - gust_kmh
      - gust_kt
      - air_temp
      - dewpt
      - press
      - rain_trace
      - rel_hum
      - weather
      - wind_dir
      - wind_spd_kmh
      - wind_spd_kt

This works fine, but fails when I try to add it into a Group as previously posted.

As a newbie, I am unclear as to what you need me to provide, as I followed the link, but it
doesn’t make much sense

Right, i understand you are new. And your problem is that you don’t understand that there is 2 types of weather components. A sensor domain weather (What you are using) and a weather domain (what you probably want to use).

In your previous post, you are not trying to add it to a group. You are trying to add it to the weather domain. At least that’s what your config looks like.

The error you are getting has nothing to do with your group either. It has to do with the fact that you are adding a weather domain without adding a platform.

That whole section of your config is wrong. Remove it and the error will go away.