I have a Third Reality Wireless Motion Sensor (Zigbee) and a Third Reality Zigbee USB Dongle that I’d like to integrate with Home Assistant, so that I can play an audio file when the motion sensor senses motion. I don’t really know where to start. I plugged my Zigbee USB Dongle into my Ubuntu laptop, where I have Home Assistant running in a Docker container. I tried to add the Zigbee integration, but after asking for the serial device interface, it asks for the “zigbee radio type”. I have no idea what to select for the Third Reality components I have.
I believe I have to run mosquitto, and zigbee2mqtt, but since I haven’t managed to get HA to integrate with my Zigbee USB Dongle yet, I suspect I need to get that working first.
Does anyone have experience with the ThirdReality Zigbee products and HA integration? Can anyone tell me what the “radio type” is that i’m supposed to select for the Zigbee USB Dongle?