Help with Zwave - Fibaro Multi motion sensor (FGMS-001)

I am a bit confused about getting zwave to work in HASS:
I saw BRUHs tutorial, still I seem to have some issues.

I got a Aeotec Gen5 stick and a Fibaro Multi motion sensor (FGMS-001)

In OZWCP I can see both devices

I restarted my rPi and some sensors show up in HASS

But they are not updating unless I click the wake-up button on the sensor
Movement is not changing at all.

Did I miss a step or what can be wrong?


Some sensors need to be set in OpenZwave Control Panel to binary sensor. Could this be the case?

Keep in mind that if you’re trying to update a battery-based sensor in OZCP, you’ll need to wake it - the easiest way is often to leave the cover off.

I think the binary setting is not for the Fibaro sensor but I´ll check again since it seems that the temperature is actually updating. It is just slow.
So my problem is with movement.

Yes, I noticed that I need to wake it up to change config in OZCP.

I hope you don’t mind but I altered your post title to make it a bit more specific. There’s a few things that are unique about the Fibaro Multi motion sensor from observing posts here on the subject and I felt that this would get you some more help from users that have solved them.

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Not at all!

It seemed that just waiting did the trick. Now my motion sensor is working and all sensors also have been named Fibaro XXXXX

You also may want to configure the intervals and thresholds for temperature and light reports.
Have a look at the Fibaro’s documentation.


It’s been my experience with adding new devices that it takes a little time and a few restarts before the naming conventions settle in. I always wait a restart or two before adding any new devices to my setup.