Help! zigbee ethernet g/w wont boot after wrong configuration

hi all
i have bought my third zigbee ethernet coordinator

i have 2 same ones which i have used succesfully until today with my HA
during setup of this third device, i mistakenly played with the config (selected ESP32-DevKit marked in red) and since it then the device wont boot and wont connect to my network
i tried pressing the reset button for long times - i dont see it coming up nor any leds blinking
the leds wont turn on when connected to power (green / red leds)

i tried other methods to do factory reset (7 times on/off) - did not help
any idea how can factory reset it?

before i throw it away …


I’d join the Tasmota Discord and ask them, they’ll likely get you an answer the quickest:

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thanks for the tip, the discord channel helped me
this is the official page for tasmota recovery

the paring button on the device is NOT a RESET - it doesnt do anything for recovery
I had to turn on/off 6 times with interval of 3 seconds in each state
upon 7th on device was reset

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