Help Zigbee2mqtt new user

Hello everyone !

I’m new to Home Assistant and could really use some help with an issue I’m having integrating Zigbee2MQTT. When I check the logs, I’m getting the following messages:

[16:08:58] INFO: Preparing to start...
[16:08:59] INFO: Socat not enabled
[16:08:59] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT...
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 16:09:01: Logging to console and directory: '/config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2024-04-18.16-09-01' filename: log.txt
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 16:09:01: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.36.1 (commit #unknown)
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 16:09:01: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.40.3)
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 16:10:11: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 16:10:11: Failed to start zigbee
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 16:10:11: Check for possible solutions
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 16:10:11: Exiting...
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 16:10:12: Error: Failure to connect
    at Ezsp.connect (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/ezsp.ts:373:19)
    at Driver.startup (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/driver.ts:171:13)
    at Controller.start (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/controller/controller.ts:132:29)
    at Zigbee.start (/app/lib/zigbee.ts:62:27)
    at Controller.start (/app/lib/controller.ts:109:27)
    at start (/app/index.js:107:5)

I’ve tried following various tutorials and troubleshooting from similar discussions, but none of the suggested solutions seem to work in my case. Here are some additional details:

*** I’m using a Sonoff Dongle-Plus model P (only in zigbee) with a Raspberry Pi 5 (8GB of RAM).**
*** I’m connecting to the Sonoff dongle via a USB 3.0 extension.**
*** I followed the tutorial link to YouTube tutorial, which I found excellent, removing ZHA, creating a user, installing Mosquitto Broker, Zigbee2MQTT, and configuring MQTT.**

My configuration settings are as follows:


  • base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  • user: mqtt_user
  • password: omar1234
  • server: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883


  • port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (I also tried with the full ID without success)
  • adapter: ezsp

I’ve enabled advanced mode and restarted Home Assistant, but the issue persists. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to resolve this problem, I would greatly appreciate your help

Wrong. A Dongle P needs

  port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (I also tried with the full ID without success)
  adapter: zstack

Hi Francis,

First of all, thank you for your response.
I believe I have the Dongle-P you suggested.
Here is a photo of the box.

Indeed, a Dongle-P, so change your Zigbee2MQTT configuration accordingly .

I just modified the adapter to ‘zstack’.
I restarted my HA, but it’s still the same.

[18:04:35] INFO: Preparing to start...
[18:04:35] INFO: Socat not enabled
[18:04:36] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT...
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 18:04:38: Logging to console and directory: '/config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2024-04-18.18-04-38' filename: log.txt
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 18:04:38: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.36.1 (commit #unknown)
Zigbee2MQTT:info  2024-04-18 18:04:38: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.40.3)
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 18:05:48: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 18:05:48: Failed to start zigbee
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 18:05:48: Check for possible solutions
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 18:05:48: Exiting...
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2024-04-18 18:05:48: Error: Failure to connect
    at Ezsp.connect (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/ezsp.ts:373:19)
    at Driver.startup (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/driver.ts:171:13)
    at Controller.start (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/controller/controller.ts:132:29)
    at Zigbee.start (/app/lib/zigbee.ts:62:27)
    at Controller.start (/app/lib/controller.ts:109:27)
    at start (/app/index.js:107:5)

You need to restart Zigbee2MQTT. Zigbee2MQTT is still trying to load a Dongle-E.

I’ve already restarted Zigbee2MQTT and HA. Unfortunately, I don’t have a dongle E. That’s why I turned to the forum.
It seems like the P dongle isn’t compatible, even though the documentation states that it should work…

The Dongle-P (and all other Ti-based (CC2652) dongles) are the only dongles that are fully supported by Zigbee2MQTT. All other chipsets (including the Dongle-E) are still ‘experimental’.

Show your Zigbee2MQTT configuration as it is now.

As Francisp mention, this do work. Try full ID and no adapter, like this.

Directly from my configuration

  port: >-
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Are you sure ZHA is not installed ?

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Here are screenshots of my entire configuration. I’ve tried without the adapter, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Should work. Is the dongle connected to a USB 2 port ?

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Yes, that’s indeed the case.

You didn’t add the adapter type in the config. Needs to be zstack.

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Then I’m totally lost why Zigbee2MQTT still wants to load ezsp

Maybe update the firmware to 20230507 ?

Incredible, it finally works! It took adding the zstack and connecting the Sonoff key directly to the RPI5 without using the usb extension (it’s a 3.0 extension). Thank you so much for all your help!

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Remember to get a new USB extension cable, otherwise your network will, most probably, be unstable when you connect a lot of devices.

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