Helper: Binary Sensor template via GUI


I have a scene Entity from KNX integration that represents scene numbers (1-64).
Depending on the current number (12,22,32) the binary sensor should have state 1, or 0 (scene 10,20,30).

There are many posts with ideas how to cope that via YAML. But I found the Helper GUI and want to create such a helper from there.

How is the template field different from YAML?


Do not think templates in yaml are different from templates in UI.
Should be same.

Probably in UI you cannot use yaml anchors like:

  - sensor:
      - name: ...
        state: &ref_state >-
          {{ ... }}
      - name: ...
        state: *ref_state

and secrets:

  - sensor:
      - name: ...
        state: !secret battery_state_for_doorbells