"Helper" entities set to hidden / visible: false?

I am looking for a way to set entities to hidden when I create them.

If the entity is created, I can change: Settings → Advanced settings → Entity status: Enable / Hidden / Disable. I would like to set this status to hidden.

I create modbus entities via configuration.yaml and there are some entities that need to be converted to binary values. The value of the imported entity has no relevance for the user because he cannot read or interpret it.

So I want to import the value via modbus and evaluate it, but not have it displayed in the dashboard.

I have found ‘entity_registry_visible_default’ in https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/core/entity/#advanced-properties, but didnot know how to use it.

Can someone please give me a clue.

The link you posted leads to an explanation for software developers of integrations.

Unless you plan to enhance the Modbus integration, the only way to set Enable/Hidden/Disable is via the menu command you described above.

Thanks for the quick reply. I understand what you mean, but I find it confusing for the user if values are displayed that mean nothing to him.

I am working on a Modbus integration and would like to make it available to the community. For the ordinary user, the integration should be as simple as possible, so I want to avoid writing a long manual about which entities have to be changed where and how.

If this setting “entity_registry_visible_default” already exists, there should be a way to use it, right?

As the documetation says “The following properties are also available on entities. However, they are for advanced use only and should be used with caution.”, I will do.