Okay so i have this annoying issue.
I have playstation integration set up.
But as its a media player i cant really turn it on and off from watch. So to solve that i created a toggle helper. And i created automations so that when its toggled on it calls the service and turn the PS on and vice-versa. But here is the issue
So forexample if i turn on the Playstation from my controller but the state of helper is still off cause i used the controller to turn it off.
So for example later on i leave the controller and off from the watch its not gonna turn off instead its gonna turn on amd then I’ll have to press again to actually turn it off.
So to solve this i created two other automation that checks if the plays station is on but the button is off it toggles the button on and vice verse but the thing is when this automation is triggered in turn it also triggers another automation to turn it on even if its already on.
So what i want is some way to change state of that toggle button but not trigger that on automation
I do have a solution in mind that to add a condition to not to run the turn on automation if the correction automation was triggered in last 10 seconds
But i don’t know how to set that condition up and i was wondering if there’s a simpler solution cause this one is a bit complicated.