I would like to use 2 helper to set ON and OFF threshold for heating system. I want to use a slider, so min and max value is required. This is OK with constant value, but don’t know if min and max value can be dynamic set by the other helper actual value.
ON minimal is a constant 18 but max cannot be higher than OFF actual value, and OFF maximal constant 25 but minimal cannot be smaller than ON actual.
As I said above, I don’t think this is the right integration. But, I don’t really understand why you would need or want to change the min and max values of an input on a regular basis. This seems like this may be an X-Y problem. What is the end goal? What is this slider actually doing?
My A/C is controlled by Nod-red. Not too complex automation, but want to have more room for improvement. So similarly with Generic Thermostat I need 2 treshold. Min value to turn ON heating and a Max value to turn it OFF. I have also created sliders on dashboard to easily manipulate these tresholds.
To avoid any incorrect settings for this sliders I would like to apply dynamic value for Min and Max.
Min treshold is started on a constant value but the max value of slider should not be biger than the Max treshold slider actual value. Same for Max treshold minimum value which should not be smaller than the Min treshold actual value.
This is what I want to achieve in this configuration, unfortunately it is not valid.