Here is my take on creating a Home Assistant Dashboard

Hello together,

here i want to share my dashboard creation with you, because there are maaaaaany hours i worked on this and i am kind of proud of how it turns out :). My Goal was as much as possible control and information in 1, max 2 pages. My Frontpage contains all informations i need 90% of the time. I liked to use tabs to switch between different options and if i want to access the next page (for example the energy dashboard) i have to swipe to the left or right, there is no navigation pane needed. I also wanted a design theme, which looks appealing, organized and not overloaded. It is scaled to fit perfectly on a firetv tablet. For my phone and pc i created extra dashboards.

Here are some screenshots. There are some more pages i have created, but these are not so well organized because i do not need them most of the time).

(because i am a new user, i am only allowed to upload one media file, so i have to stack all the screenshots into one picture. I hope it works this way)




Very cool! I especially like the solar section with the battery, panels, house and car. I’m planning to get solar on our home in the near future and looking forward to having a similar view in my dashboard.

Thanks for sharing !:slight_smile: this westher panel is awesome


What are you using for your weather card and resource sankey diagram?

Thank you :).

Weather Card is: “Clock Weather Card”
Sankey Chart is: “Sankey Chart Card”


Hi Michael,

I like it, looks like a lot of work.
How did you do that?


Greetings Stephan

Hello Stephan,

it is done with the custom slider entity row addon:

