Hey HA gang

Im a newbie to home assistant, I need to use it for a university project. Im sure this has a very simple answer but i awould appreciate the help. I have installed HA on my personal laptop using Oracle virtual box on my home wifi. I was wondering if HA would work without any problems when i use my laptop at university and am connected to a different wifi.

Simple answer is Yes

HA itself does not require network for basic function

Individual integrations may require network access to local LAN or WAN

Zwave integration for example requires no network as Zwave not use network

RTSP camera integration only require local LAN if it is connecting to camera in same LAN

Weather integration require WAN since it retrieves weather data for internet

If should not fail to start if Integration requiring WAN loss connection but that individual integration will fail to load or stop functioning until WAN restored

If you mean will it control switches (wifi/zwave/zigbee etc) in your house when plugged into university wifi. The answer is no. To make that a yes you will need to set up your house wifi for you to log in or use nabu casa. It is local to any wifi that you are on. If you mean will it run cloud applications - then yes.

You will need to change your location in the configuration if you want university to be “home” and have things referenced from university.

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HA is just a server to control other stuff, so it is really versatile and it really depends on what you want to control.
You need to describe your project a bit more detailed and then you will get a more clear answer.