HF-LPT120A Wifi module

Wondering if anyone has worked with http://www.hi-flying.com/hf-lpt120a?search=HF-LPT120 ?

It is used in Millheat devices, 1st generation.

I’m trying to see if it is possible to decode the TCP stream from Millheat devices.

According to the spec, it is using AT+ instruction sets for serial communication, and I think it is the same for when the device is connecting to the cloud to get instructions (in Millheats case).

If anyone wants to look at the TCP stream I’ve made a dump of it here:

My goal is to see if its possible to emulate millheats API so that it could be locally hosted.

Millheat says the communication between the heaters and the cloud is using CBC AES encryption:

millheat dot zendesk dot com /hc/en-us/articles/213640185-How-secure-is-the-Millheat-app-

Each interaction between the heater and the cloud uses an encryption (CBC AES) to prevent that the data transfer to the cloud is breached. This is a secret symmetric-key algorithm for encryption. Simultaneously, to make sure the encryption is not hacked, the secret key on the heaters side of the interaction is dynamically negotiating and updating in the cloud to reduce the risk of being hacked.

This same adapter is also used by GoodWe in their LAN (not WIFI) adapters.
