Hi all HA fanatics
I am Peter, much more younger as 60 and a little bit older than 20 ;). I am married and have two crazy devil daughthers :). I live near koblenz in germany.
Now i want to tune up my home with an automatization like home assistant and worked in the past only with zwave and fibaro.
I was searching for different possibilities for home automatization and tested fhem, iobroker and openhab. Last but not least i tested home assistant and for the first i was a little bit confused and exited. I love the idea of ha and want to learn how this works. I hope when i ask lot of interesst and stupid questions, that you will help me
I started middle of December 2020 with ha. I use a pi4 with hassio, zigbee, zwave and of course the nabucasa cloud. The speaking with google works is unbelievable good.
I hope the first information of me are enough. I wish you all a good year an hope that you all are healthy.