Hi everyone,
I am Peter from Melbourne Australia, been in IT industry forever…
My 1st job in 1981 was at NEC to commission/roll out Australia’s 1st mobile system PAMTS. Worked with lots of Digital gear, Desktop PC, Micro controllers and kind of still enjoy these as a hobby
Hobby include ESP, Arduino etc.15 years ago i designed & ~5 node ‘hobby farm/grape irrigation’ automation using Arduino and nrf24L01 over internet, Mega256 was running web server
In day job I am Solution Architect/Designer
My hat goes to all designer and developers or HA and Hass, very neat and sophisticated product
And running Docker on RPI is taking this to another lever all together!
Awesome work!
My HA status is
Just installed Hass.io 32 bit image on 64 bit RPI 3B 1GB ram (64 bit image would not boot, probably because my rpi 3b has 1gb?)
+running ESPHome gateway
+playing with esp8266 - have working led on/off sunrise/sunset events and D1 sensor button)
+and esp32 4 relay board v2.1 from diymall
both connect and work ok in HA Hass.io
I will be using ESP’s but also am planning to add Commercial Temp Display, PRI etc
Gateway & sensors eg temperature, door, pir; I like a look of Xiaomi LCD Tem/Humidity BLE sensor
Xiaomi GW 3 looks interesting
Alternatively ZibBee GW or ZigBee module for RPI?
If you plan on sticking with the sdcard, and even if you don’t, I highly recommend the Hassio Google Drive Backup add-on. It will save you hours of pain and swearing.
Consider the upgrade to a bootable USB drive. It’s been an option since HassOS 3.7 and means you’ll never have to worry about sd card corruption.
And good choice with ESPhome.
I have it running on all my esp’s and Sonoff’s
It’s much more stable than ESPeasy which i was running previously ( rock solid actually ) and seems a lot simpler to configure than Tasmota.