Hide a view based on the time of year

I have a dashboard setup with several views in it. I want to add a view that is only visible in the Xmas holiday season to switch on and off seasonal devices.

I set up a boolean entity called xmas_period and use an animation to toggle the boolean on & off between the desired dates.

I then edited my view as follows.

title: House Lights
  - title: Down Stairs
  - title: Up Stairs
  - title: Outside
  - title: Misc Devices
  - title: Xmas Devices
      - condition: state
        entity: input_boolean.xmas_period
        state: 'on'

However this doesn’t seem to work.

Of course I can use conditional visibilty on all the devices on that view so they disappear but I wanted the entire view to hide (include the menu tab at the top of the dashboard)

Any ideas?

According to documentation, only per-user visibility may be configured, there are no other conditions like state conditions.

It is possible to hide a corr. header button from a header conditionally with a custom card-mod theme. Ask in the main card-mod-theme thread.