Hide alarm keypad

Hi there!
Did some research before opening this thread, but can’t solve my problem. I have my Risco alarm integrated with its new component added in 0.115 and it’s working great, but I can’t hide the keypad on Lovelace. It takes a lot of space and I am not using PIN codes to arm/disarm it.
Any way to hide it permanently? Thank you!

Have you found a way to hide they keypad yet? I am wanting to do the same thing

Sadly no. I tried creating a template alarm panel but same problem

anyone figured out? thnx

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Same here…alarm panel key pad is not required as code is already added in the configuration file.

Any solution to hide it…?

Super weird - mine had always been hidden (since ‘22 or so?) but just this last week is now a big exposed keypad in my dashboards. I would definitely prefer to go back to the older style simple arm/disarm button.

Probably cause by the new feature in 2024.6, that code arm required = true

I see the same, seems my alarm panel card is now also presenting a huge keycode , anyone figured out how to disable?