Hide battery state and battery level

Hi guys

I have installed the iPhone app and after changing my longitude and latitude settings it is showing me as home, which is great! However, I don’t want to show my battery state and level settings on the main screen. How can I hide these or even remove them completely?

For some reason while I have been editing other things it has actually decided to create another entity for both the battery state and battery level with a ‘2’ on the end and I now have it duplicated too! I certainly didn’t ask it to do this.



Have you tried adding, for each entity you want to hide, property hidden: true under customize in configuration.yaml?

That should do the trick.

I was pretty sure I had tried that, but maybe there was a typo? Anyway, I have done it again and that is now working. Thanks for your help.

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Hi @andyp85, what does your configuration look like?
I’m assusming you’ve got the ios component added to your configuration file. What did your file end up looking like?
IE, do i nest some text under the ios component or underneath a new component ?

I have them listed like this in my configuration.yaml;

    hidden: True
    hidden: True

You could have a separate customize.yaml file and keep the configuration.yaml less cluttered.

same issue here.
Sure we could hide them, but these false batteries shouldn’t be there in the first place.
Besides that, mine are displaying values that aren’t related to real life :-((

So all in all, i believe theres something not correct, and i have no clue where to start, but maybe deleting them completely out of the known_devices to see what happens?


Have someone been able to hide the battery level and state from the frontend? In case you have, could you please advise in how to remove them?