Hide component information

Hi to all, I am trying to create a UI card for my HA that shows forecast for the current and the next three days using the component Wunderground. I’d like to have information about current weather, min temp, max temp and rain probability. The problem is that the only way to figure out weather for the next days is to use the monitored condition “weather_1d_metric” but it doesn’t return only the weather icon and a weather description but also winds, temperatures (that I want to be shown only one time in my card) and precipition probability (same problem). Here you can see my front UI and understand what I mean. Is it possible to show only a part of “weather_1d_metric” in the card? I’m running Hassbian on a Raspberry Pi updated to the latest version. Thank you!!

You can use a template sensor and extract states / attributes from another sensor, and separate it out that way

I’ll try it, thank you. I hope I’ll find the right Jinja function to truncate the string before the first period.

Does this show up as an entity with multiple attributes under the developer states page ?

No, it shows up as a unique state. It’s wundergrounds service that puts together the information. HA receives them already joint…

platform: template
    friendly_name: "Oggi"
    entity_picture_template: "{{ states.sensor.pws_weather_1d_metric.attributes.entity_picture }}"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.pws_weather_1d_metric').split('.')[0] }}"
    friendly_name: "Domani"
    entity_picture_template: "{{ states.sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric.attributes.entity_picture }}"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.pws_weather_2d_metric').split('.')[0] }}"
    friendly_name: "Tra due giorni"
    entity_picture_template: "{{ states.sensor.pws_weather_3d_metric.attributes.entity_picture }}"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.pws_weather_3d_metric').split('.')[0] }}"
    friendly_name: "Tra tre giorni"
    entity_picture_template: "{{ states.sensor.pws_weather_4d_metric.attributes.entity_picture }}"
    value_template: "{{ states('sensor.pws_weather_4d_metric').split('.')[0] }}"

In the end I did it in this way. It seems to work. Thank you