Hide dashboard (require_admin) please help

Hi everybody,

I have one dashboard defined via .yaml and two test dashboards configured through the webUI.

Below is the yaml code of the coded dashboard. I added require_admin: true to it, but it is still shown to a user that is not set to admin. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure out where else to put this line. Can you please help me?

Configuring the other dashboards to be visible to admin only worked just fine.

Is there perhaps a way to hide almost everything (logs, media_browser, settings etc.) and only display one dashboard for a user? This person is not supposed to control anything, but rather just run the Home Assistant Android App in order to determine whether they are home or not. Everything they can control is controllable via voice (alexa), so they don’t even need a dashboard at all… but I’d still like them to use the app because if they communicate their GPS data through nabu.casa it is easier to determine when nobody is home so that security settings can take place.

Thank you in advance for your input :slight_smile:

resources: !include lovelace/resources/resources.yaml

decluttering_templates: !include_dir_merge_named lovelace/templates/

require_admin: true

  - !include lovelace/views/2020.yaml
  - !include lovelace/views/overview.yaml
  - !include lovelace/views/hausmeister/zigbee_networkmap.yaml

This gives an example of how to set up an admin only dashboard via yaml:

and if you don’t want a separate dashboard, using visible hides/shows views on a per user basis

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This page no longer seems to exist. Is there an updated link?

It was split into 2 separate pages on the sidebar of dashboards, which is a main option on the HA website

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