Hide device_trackers from showing on map?

Is there any way to hide an entity from showing on the map at all? At any given time, I’m experimenting with a variety of methods for device tracking, so my wife and I will sometimes have various entities on the map that all describe the same location. The icons overlap, and it looks ugly. Ultimately, I tend to have automations such that they all funnel into the same MQTT_JSON device tracker, and these are the only one I want to see on the map. Is this possible?

TL;DR: I want to keep the entity and the updates for the mobile app device tracker, but I don’t want it to show on the map. Is this possible?

The map itself will show any device tracker not home with GPS: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/map, you may want to consider using the lovelace map card as you have more control over it: https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/map