Hide energy in card after 'Take Control'

Hi, another day anther question.

I wanted to rearrange the cards on the autogenerated ‘Overview’ dashboard.
Primarily to get ‘Forecast’ (the weather) to the top of the dashboard. As forecast is not an area it does not appear in the ‘Edit dashboard’ screen to reorder.

So… I took control of the dashboard. Nice, I can specify the order now.
Except now all my power / energy entities are showing again, and I can’t see an option to hide them.
Before taking control there is a simple radio button to hide all that.

Any ideas? Ideally using GUI first before deliving into the code.

Delete any cards or entities from cards manually.

Was hoping to avoid that. Tried adding ‘hide_energy: true’ to my custom dashboard but no joy.

Ok, so I can create Helper groups of entities and then select to hide those entities.
Except that only works in the auto-generated dashboard, my custom one still shows them all… frustrating!

You cannot “avoid editing” after “taking control” on a dashboard.