Hide icons in config-template-card when off


I have a floor-plan based upon the config-template-card.
There are too many icons and I need to reduce :wink:

Now I want to hide the icon of the smoke-detector as long as no smoke has been detected.

How can I do this? I know GIYF, but I donā€™t find any documentation or help for that.

General suggestion:
post a SHORT version of the problematic card with MINIMAL number of entities and w/o unrelated things if you are looking for a help.

If by ā€œfloor planā€ you mean a stock Picture elements card - then conditional elements (see Docs for this card) can be used to hide/show an element conditionally (i.e. this is unrelated to config-template-card).
If you placed a whole Picture elements card inside config-template-card (CTC) due to some reasons - this is a BAD practice; use CTC for a particular element (check Docs for CTC).
All CTC-related questions better to discuss in the main thread. Also, check if you really need CTC to achieve your goals.

Thanks for you answer.

Here is the relevant parts of the code of my card.
ATM the smoke-detector is shown always - I want to hide it when state is ā€œno smokeā€

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sun.sun
  - binary_sensor.rauchmelder_eg_flur_smoke
  type: picture-elements
  image: /local/floorplan/EG-dunkel.png
  style: |
    ha-card:first-child {
      background: rgba(42, 46, 48, 1)
    - type: image
      action: none
      entity: sun.sun
        above_horizon: /local/floorplan/EG-Tag.png
        below_horizon: /local/floorplan/transparent.png
        action: none
        action: none
        top: 50%
        left: 50%
        width: 100%
        height: 100%
    - type: state-icon
      entity: binary_sensor.rauchmelder_eg_flur_smoke
      title: Rauchmelder-EG
      state_color: true
        left: 50.0%
        top: 22.0%
        "--iron-icon-stroke-color": "#969696"
        border-radius: 20%
        text-align: center