Hide items related to others

I have 2 zwave switches, the first should only be visible if the second is active. Is there something similar to openhab to get this?

Also hide groups related to other things like switches would be great. For example i have a switch on my tv but that is only needed if my entertainment switch is on.

There’s PR out there for hiding groups based on an event but I’m not sure whether it made it into the next release or not.

For all who are interested in dynamic hide items, you can dynamic hide groups. Here is a sample automation i use to hide the tv group if entertaiment is off. Because my TV is only working if Entertainment is on. :wink:

alias: Entertaiment off hide TV Switch
hide_entity: true
  - platform: state
    entity_id: switch.living_entertain_switch_switch_13_0
    to: 'off'
  service: group.set_visibility
    entity_id: group.living_tv
    visible: false
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