Hide title on picture-glance card

I an using picture-glance card to display level of my watertank, a minor annoyance is the title bar at the bottom, is there a way to hide this grey bar altogether?

title: Water Tank Status
type: picture-glance
  - sensor.watertank_card
entity: sensor.watertank_card
  watertank_10: /local/watertank_10-490.png
  watertank_20: /local/watertank_20-490.png
  watertank_30: /local/watertank_30-490.png
  watertank_40: /local/watertank_40-490.png
  watertank_50: /local/watertank_50-490.png
  watertank_60: /local/watertank_60-490.png
  watertank_70: /local/watertank_70-490.png
  watertank_80: /local/watertank_80-490.png
  watertank_90: /local/watertank_90-490.png
  watertank_empty: /local/watertank_empty-490.png
  watertank_full: /local/watertank_full-490.png

Adding this should remove it:

show_name: false
show_state: false

I have tried that before, it gives error as below…

Expected a value of type undefined for show_name but received false.

type: picture-glance
title: Letterbox Status
show_name: false
show_state: false
  - sensor.letterbox_card
  - sensor.time_mail_delivered
entity: sensor.letterbox_card
  youve_got_mail: /local/youve_got_mail.png
  youve_got_no_mail: /local/youve_got_no_mail.jpg

Ah that’s because they only work with the picture-entity card. Try that card. It supports state images.

YES! That works, thank you !!!

Como ficaria o configuration.yaml

@dudester Can you maybe explain how you got this working?

Bit of an old topic, but I used the hints in here to solve it for my setup. For completeness sake:

- type: picture-entity
  camera_view: live
  entity: camera.name
  show_name: false
  show_state: false