Hide Y-Axis of Love Lace History-Graph

How do I align the 2 history-graphs? The peaks in the first history-graph should more or less line up with the red in the second history-graph, but the y-axis scale in the first history-graph is compressing the x-axis. Can I perhaps hide the y-axis labels? Ideally, I’d also like to hide the legend.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: sensor
    entity: sensor.tsl2561_ambient_light
  - type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 80
    refresh_interval: 0
      - sensor.tsl2561_ambient_light
  - type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 80
    refresh_interval: 0
      - switch.sonoff_basic_1_relay

I am using a Vertical Stack because I want the switch data under the line graph, but I don’t like the space between the 2 history-graphs.

Unfortunately I don’t know how to, but I’d like to be able to do these things too! More options for customising the history graphs would be really nice.

Up for this feature. Also for me is essential to align an on off chart with a graph in terms of time

Yep, would be nice to have those simple options!

I’ve just been trying to make this happen to with no success… I wanted to be able to monitor the status of my 3d printer compared to the air quality in my room so I can be sure my hepa filter is working properly. (best solution would be to be able to map the changes directly on to the graph!)

I figured it out! You can manually add a “name” attribute in YAML and set it to a label that aligns with the graph (or set it to nothing if you prefer!):

type: history-graph
  - entity: sensor.prusamk4
    name: Extractor
  - entity: switch.mk4_extractor_mk4_extractor_relay
    name: Mk4
hours_to_show: 12
logarithmic_scale: false
fit_y_data: false

It’s hacky but works for my use case.