October 22, 2022, 6:10am
I have created light groups directly in the Z2M gui and would like to not expose the individual lights to HA.
I cannot see any option not to forward the entity info to HA.
Is there any way to do this? Primarily, to keep HA tidier but also so I don’t have to blacklist in yaml for Google Assistant.
(Nathan Curtis)
October 22, 2022, 6:19am
You can disable the entities in HA. Find the entity for your light, open it, go to the settings tab, find the Advanced Settings Dropdown and then the ‘disabled’ radio button (right side) then Update.
October 22, 2022, 6:27am
I know you can do this but it’s convoluted and takes just as much time as copying/pasting in yaml for the purpose of hiding from Google Assistant.
I really don’t want any entities in HA that I don’t need to begin with.