Hiding a filter card

Hey all,
not sure if im missundering this, however if a card i have, with a filter, is returning no results, i want to hide the entire card.
However, i have tried both “true” and “false” but everytime i save and reload the screen, i see the card with the title “Heating Alerts” showing, it doesnt go away?
am i missing something?



Allows hiding of card when no entities returned by filter.

Default value: true

my LL card:

  columns: 3
  show_empty: false
  title: Heating Alerts
  type: glance
  - entity: sensor.season
  - entity: climate.home
  - entity: climate.bar
  - entity: sensor.bar_door_sensor_temperature_measurement
  - entity: climate.bathroom
  - entity: climate.bedroom
  - entity: climate.briony_office
  - '26'
  - '25'
type: entity-filter

Show empty belongs to the entity_filter card not the glance card (you had it indented too far and under the card type definition).

type: entity-filter
show_empty: false
  - '26'
  - '25'
  type: glance
  columns: 3
  title: Heating Alerts
  - entity: sensor.season
  - entity: climate.home
  - entity: climate.bar
  - entity: sensor.bar_door_sensor_temperature_measurement
  - entity: climate.bathroom
  - entity: climate.bedroom
  - entity: climate.briony_office

Thanks so much!