Hiding a group from default view

Hey all.

I’m trying to move all of my weather and environmental information over to another view.

However, whenever I try and hide the group or any of the sensors from “default_view” with “hidden: true” in configuration, it also hides it in the new view.

Here is what I’ve got so far:


  name: Dark Sky
  view: yes
    - group.darksky

  name: Darky Sky Weather
    - sensor.dark_sky_summary
    - sensor.dark_sky_icon
#    - sensor.dark_sky_precip_type
    - sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
    - sensor.dark_sky_temperature
    - sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    - sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
#    - sensor.dark_sky_cloud_cover
    - sensor.dark_sky_visibility
    - sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary
    - sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary
    - sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary
#    - sensor.dark_sky_temperature_max
#    - sensor.dark_sky_temperature_min
#    - sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature_max
#    - sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature_min

What you’re showing here isn’t “hiding”, it’s commenting out - which makes it completely disappear.

You want to look into customization:

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Ah sorry I should have also copied my customisation.yaml too

I have tried both

    hidden: true


    hidden: true
    hidden: true

Neither have had the effect I want of hiding all of the Dark Sky info from default_view and not from group.darksky_view

To hide a group from the default_view just do not put it in the entities list there.

    view: yes
      - group.stuff
      - group.you
      - group.want
      - group.to_see

To make a “card” with some darksky weather info:

  name: 'DarkSky Weather'
    - sun.sun
    - sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    - sensor.dark_sky_temperature
    - sensor.dark_sky_cloud_coverage
    - sensor.dark_sky_precip
    - sensor.dark_sky_summary
    - sensor.dark_sky_icon

Note the missing view: yes here.
Putting a
- group.darksky
into the default_view entities list would put this as a card on your default_view tab.

If you want an additional tab with some weather info and a nice icon, use it like this:

  name: Weather Info
  icon: mdi:weather-cloudy
  view: yes
    - group.darksky


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Is there anyone to do it without having to override default_view?

Nope, you’ll have to manually specify default_view to limit the entities that appear there.

Rats, ok.

Thank you for the advice regardless

not my thread but I just want to say a huge thanks as this has helped me massively :slight_smile:

I know this thread is old, but I’m looking for a similar solution. I’d like to hide things from the Default View but have them visible in another view.

The solution suggested here comes with a massive compromise. Once you override the default view with something else, if HASS discovers any new devices it’s not visible anywhere till you manually add it in. This is the major feature of the standard default view and a big loss if you change it to something else.

Does anyone have any ideas on how we can hide specific items from default view but still have new devices automatically appear?


i’m having the same issue. anybody found a workaround for this?


I am struggling with the same issue. I dont want the ’ default view’ to be seen by every member of the household in their first login. However, removing it completely remove the nice features that that view has.

For me, it would be solved by either:

1 - Allowing the same functionality to be available on one of the other tabs, or

  • Or -
    2- Change the settings in such a way that when visiting :8123 another view is the first view shown ( in other words, the ’ default view’ that has the handy feature to show all kinds of new stuff should in that case not necessarily be the ’ first view’ someone encounters.)

Are there any ideas about this ? I have been looking on the forum but it seems somehow an unanswered question for now.




Any progress/solution on this?
Both solution from @lex will work for me :slight_smile:
I have exactly same point like @sebdoan only half year later

I’ve conceded that we’ll likely never get this. I have a group called “default_view” and whenever i edit the Configuration.yaml file I rename it to “notdefault_view” so that i can see everything again.

Once I’ve finished i rename the group back to “default_view”.

I made a python script that can help. https://github.com/donbowman/homeassistant-reconcile

What it does is keep a group ‘untracked’ up to date, and you can then steal items from it. It parses you group.yaml file to see what you’ve already assigned.


This seems to be a re-occurring issue.

What about a flag on all entities (ex hide_from_default_view or something) which defaults to False. When we want to see it exclusively in another view we can configure it to True.

That would do the trick for me, to have all new stuff pop up in default_view while I can configure it to be permanently located somewhere else.

Just a suggestion :slight_smile:


I recently got bit by this issue, and so I implemented a fix:

Because it requires changes to the frontend, it isn’t very easy to test (you need to build the frontend and point at it in your configuration): https://home-assistant.io/developers/frontend/

Hopefully the developers will accept this change, but who knows.


Is there a working solution available?

I do this now using lovelace. I haven’t upgraded to the newest versions, but I’ve been very happy with the customization is allows

Do you have an example how to use this in lovelace?

I think they have recently made it much easier to use lovelace, but I’m still running an older version. I don’t think my setup will be of much help to you, but in lovelace I just put the badges and cards that i want to see on each page. All others end up in a list of not-configured sensors so I can see what I haven’t placed yet. Note that (at least when I set it up) lovelace requires you to completely redo your frontend configuration as once enabled, it expects you to configure which sensors are displayed where. It appears in 0.84 there is a new UI way to configure lovelace, bat as I said I haven’t tried it. I’d probably recommend going through the Wiki (https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/)

Note that this is a completely different solution compared to the one I originally posted in this thread, but I found the increased configurability to far outweigh the additional setup requirement.